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Marketing Yourself as a Freelance Writer

For some of us it’s not so easy putting ourselves out there. Successful marketing is an important strategy in getting leads, attracting new clients, and growing our freelance writing business. It’s hard work, but as a freelance writer, your income depends on making connections that bring profitable results. Here are some simple marketing strategies that might work for you.

Create a Website

Creating a website is one of the best ways to get noticed online. It lends you credibility if you can refer people to an actual website branding you as a freelance writer. It is also the perfect canvas to describe your services, provide testimonials, post your CV, and display your portfolio or samples of your writing. It goes without saying a website with your own domain is the best, but using a free option like Wordpress or Wix is better than no website at all.

Write a Business Blog

There are just as many nays as there are ayes when it comes to the argument about whether or not blogging is dead. However, consistently contributing to a blog on your website accomplishes two things. First, it provides fresh copy for the crawlers. Second, it gives clients a sense of who you are as a writer and what you might be able to do for them.

Mine the Potential of Social Media

It's great that you have a Facebook page, or multiple social media accounts such as YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Ensure anything you post to your page reflects the hardworking, dedicated, passionate writer that you are. But it's not enough to post to your account: make it a habit to interact with others by leaving insightful comments, starting a relevant discussion, or exchanging links with other bloggers and copywriters.

Carry Business Cards

Some claim that business cards are outdated and unnecessary. But businesses still exist in the the brick-and-mortar world. A website is your online presence while a business card is something "concrete." Give prospective clients a business card accompanied by a smile, there's an excellent chance they'll remember you.

Obviously, your business card will include all of your contact information. However, in order for your business card to be a successful marketing tool, give careful consideration to your job title. The job title you select is the ideal opportunity to inform prospective clients of your niche (area of expertise). It needs to make you stand out from the crowd. "Real Estate Content Writer" or "Journalist" or "Copy Director" is more descriptive than "Freelance Writer."

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Building long-term relationships makes a freelancer's business strong and successful. A client who is happy with your work is probably going to tell someone else who needs a copywriter. This is how a marketable writer generates a steady income. But it has to start with quality content that is error free and delivered in a reasonable time frame.

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